Monday, October 20, 2008

Top 10 things to know about Aloe Vera and Forever Living

1. Aloe Vera has been used for thousands of years as a safe, natural herbal remedy. It is not new, and has a massive weight of historical and scientific evidence to testify to its efficacy. It can be used safely either externally on the skin or hair, or taken internally as a drink.

2. The thick, clear gel inside the leaf contains over 75 different key nutritional compounds which are either required or beneficial to our health and wellbeing including:
- Minerals
- Vitamins (including B12)
- Aminio Acids
- Enzymes and more

3. There are no known side effects or contra-indications; and no adverse drug reactions. It is safe for all ages - from infants to the elderly.

4. Aloe Vera has many different benefits because of the number of nutrients that it contains. The benefits come from a synergy between the different nutrients, rather than as a consequence of one 'magic' ingredient.

5. Unlike many drugs, Aloe Vera works with the body to aid healing and wellbeing. Do not expect 'miracle cures'. In fact Aloe does not 'cure' anything. It simply provides excellent nutrition so that the body cures itself. Having said that, this does take time; which is why we have our 30-day unconditional money back guarantee - so that you can give our products a fair chance.

6. It is moisturizing for the skin, penetrating right down into its deepest layers. Because of its natural anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and nutritional qualities it promotes cell growth and healing - up to 30% faster.

7. Most people taking Aloe Vera report a greater sense of well being, feeling calmer and less anxious. Aloe also boosts the immune system making it more finely tuned and better able to defend the body from attack.

8. Our Aloe Vera is pure, organic and not tested on animals. We have the Kosher Rating, the Islamic Seal of Approval and the International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval. There are no Genetically Modified ingredients in our product range.

9. FLP Aloe Vera is naturally stabilized using fruit and vegetable sources, rather than preserved chemically. Tested by independent laboratories even 5 years after stabilization, our Aloe is still essentially identical to freshly harvested Aloe.

10. FLP is the world's largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of Aloe Vera and Aloe Vera based products. We use Stabilized Aloe Vera as the primary ingredient in all of our products, far more than other companies, which leads to increased benefits.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Happy Birthday Sis :)

Below is the poem Desirada. The author is unkown but the words are priceless and timeless and have comforted me over the years. My sister and mom were the first to share this with me and I am so grateful to be blessed so deeply and have their support and love.


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter;
for always there will be greater
and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let not this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Daily Aloe - Benefits from the hive


What's the Buzz?
Medicine from the Bee Hive
by C. Leigh Broadhurst, Ph.D

In ancient times raw honey was as valuable on the battlefield as it was on the dinner table. In fact, all bee products -- bee pollen, honey, propolis and royal jelly -- were essential medications for many ailments. Although the beehive's millennial track record is enough to satisfy some, skeptics might be interested in how science confirms ancient wisdom.

Bee Pollen is flower pollen collected by honeybees from a variety of plants and is the insect's primary food source. Pollen grains, which are flowers' male reproductive cells, contain concentrations of phytochemicals and nutrients. Bee pollen is rich in carotenoids, flavonoids and phytosterols.1

Studies show promising results regarding pollen's potential. In a placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial of 60 men, researchers from the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, found pollen extract was an effective treatment for prostate enlargement and prostatitis.2 In another study, mice with lung cancer survived almost twice as long when treated with pollen extracts compared with untreated controls. Pollen increased the effectiveness of chemotherapy when given simultaneously. Unlike chemotherapy, pollen didn't attack tumors but stimulated immunity.3

In a third study, rats were exposed to solvent vapors, simulating industrial exposure. This elevated their liver enzymes, indicating diminished detoxification capabilities. Liver damage was significant in the control rats, damage that was nearly prevented in rats given pollen.4

Honey is a by-product of bees concentrating plant nectars. It is mainly food for bees, bears and humans. The characteristic flowery taste of raw honey comes from the pollen it contains. Honey's ability to heal wounds and treat infections is quite notable. It also is known for its antioxidant, antibiotic and antiviral capabilities.

Honey is 18 to 20 percent water and is comprised of glucose and fructose; vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, K and beta-carotene, as well as minerals and enzymes. Raw, unprocessed honey has the most medicinal and nutritional value.

In a study of 104 patients with first-degree burns, researchers in Maharashtra, India, compared honey's effectiveness to gauze soaked in silver sulfadiazine (SS), the conventional treatment. After seven days, 91 percent of honey-treated burns were infection-free compared with 7 percent of those treated with SS. After 15 days, 87 percent of honey-treated burns were healed compared with 10 percent of the SS-treated burns. The raw wildflower honey formed a flexible protective barrier which prevented infection, absorbed pus, and reduced pain, irritation and odor.5

Researchers in Sanaa, Yemen, treated 50 patients with wound infections following cesarean section or hysterectomy twice daily with either raw wildflower honey or a standard antiseptic solution of alcohol and iodine (AI). The 26 treated with honey were infection-free after six days compared with 15 days for the 24 treated with AI. Furthermore, 84 percent of honey patients healed cleanly compared with 50 percent of AI patients. Honey treatment reduced the average postoperative scar width by nearly two-thirds, and hospitalization duration by half.6

Four mechanisms are proposed for honey's healing properties:

1. Honey is mostly glucose and fructose. These sugars are strongly attracted to water, forming a viscous syrup. When spread on a wound, honey absorbs water and body fluids, thus drying out bacteria and fungi and inhibiting their growth.7

2. Raw honey contains glucose oxidase, an enzyme that, in the presence of a little water, produces hydrogen peroxide, a mild antiseptic. Glucose oxidase is destroyed by bright light, heat and pasteurization, so it is absent from most commercial honeys.7

3. Raw honey contains bee pollen, enzymes and propolis, all of which can stimulate new tissue growth.7

4. Honey can contain additional medicinal compounds, including essential oils, flavonoids, terpenes and polyphenols, depending on the plant from which the pollen was taken.7

In a laboratory study of 345 unpasteurized honey samples, the majority exhibited antibacterial action against Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause food poisoning. When honey's natural hydrogen peroxide effects were removed, only honey from Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and Viper's bugloss (Echium vulgare) were still active.8 New Zealand's dark, aromatic Manuka honey also inhibited Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that can cause ulcers.9 In general, stronger, darker honeys, such as buckwheat, sagebrush and tupelo, have greater antimicrobial and antioxidant activity--enough to act as food preservatives.10

Propolis consists mainly of specific tree resins collected by honeybees. Bees use propolis like putty to seal cracks and openings in the hive, strengthen combs and seal brood cells. Propolis also helps sterilize the hive--the resins protect both trees and bees from infections.11 Most research has been conducted predominantly on poplars, but beech, birch, chestnut and several conifer species have also been studied.12

More than 180 compounds have been identified in propolis, and many are biologically active.11 Flavonoids are abundant, including many that are anti-inflammatory, antiallergenic, antioxidant and/or antimutagenic and antispasmodic.13 Propolis is uniquely rich in properties which have been shown to inhibit cancer growth in animal studies14 and reduce inflammation as effectively as drugs.15

Propolis also contains organic acids and their derivatives. These constituents contribute antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral effects.11,13,16-18

In cultures, propolis inhibits the growth of various viruses and fungi including herpes, influenza, rota, candida and aspergillus.16,19,20 Many bacteria are also affected, including Clostridium spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. Propolis is active against bacteria isolated from people with upper respiratory infections, including penicillin-resistant strains.21

Propolis promotes pharmaceutical antibiotics, including streptomycin, penicillin, neomycin and tetracycline; the combined products act synergistically.21 Propolis can be taken in conjunction with prescribed medications but not in place of them.

Propolis is also a superior ingredient in wound salves and may help heal stomach ulcers. One tablespoon raw honey with propolis three times daily during an ulcer flare-up can be helpful. In addition to being antimicrobial, propolis is anti-inflammatory and detoxifying, and it stimulates new tissue growth.18

Royal Jelly is a thick, creamy fluid synthesized in nurse bees' bodies during digestion of bee pollen and secreted from glands in their heads. All larvae are fed royal jelly for three days, but the queen bee eats royal jelly exclusively, which makes her fertile and able to live for five to seven years. In contrast, worker bees are sterile and live just seven to eight weeks. Royal jelly has a reputation for maintaining youthfulness in humans, but research, while encouraging, lags behind that for other hive products.

Fresh royal jelly is 2.0 to 6.4 percent trans-10-hydroxy delta-2-decanoic acid (HDA) by weight.22 HDA is a monounsaturated fatty acid with a hydroxyl group. Hydroxy fatty acids protect skin from dehydration, and some are strongly anti-inflammatory. HDA may also be anti-inflammatory.23 Royal jelly also contains collagen; lecithin; and vitamins A, C, D and E--all of which benefit the skin.24 Concentrated royal jelly moisturizes dry skin and soothes dermatitis.18,25 Additionally, royal jelly contains all the B vitamins and several other compounds that help lower cholesterol. A review of controlled studies concluded that in humans, 50 to 100 mg royal jelly per day decreased total cholesterol by 14 percent and triglycerides by 10 percent.26 Royal jelly at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight also slowed the development of atherosclerosis in rabbits fed high-fat diets.17

In 1999 researchers at the USDA/University of Arizona in Tucson discovered genes that respond to a 24-hour royal jelly diet--the process that turns ordinary bee larva into queen bees. At Northern Ohio University in Ada, rats fed only raw bee pollen granules were healthier and leaner than those fed standard rat chow. Clearly, there's something to that millennial track record.


1. Markham KR, Campos M. 7- and 8-o-methylherbacetin-3-o-sophorosides from bee pollens and some structure/activity observations. Phytochemistry 1996;43:763-7.

2. Buck AC, et al. Treatment of outflow tract obstruction due to benign prostatic hyperplasia with the pollen extract Cernilton, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Br J Urol 1990;66:398-404.

3. Furusawa E, et al. Antitumor potential of pollen extract on Lewis lung carcinoma implanted intraperitoneally in syngenic mice. Phytother Res 1995;9:255-9.

4. Ceglecka M, et al. Effect of pollen extracts on prolonged poisoning of rats with organic solvents. Phytother Res 1991:5;245-9.

5. Subrahmanyam M. Topical application of honey in treatment of burns. Br J Surg 1991;78:497-8.

6. Al-Waili NS, Saloom KY. Effects of topical honey on post-operative wound infections due to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria following caesarean sections and hysterectomies. Eur J Med Res 1999;4:126-30.

7. Molan PC. The antibacterial activity of honey, Part 1 and Part 2. Bee World 1992;73:5-76.

8. Allen K, et al. A survey of the antibacterial activity of some New Zealand honeys. J Pharm Pharmacol 1991;43:817-22.

9. Somal NA, et al. Susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to the antibacterial activity of manuka honey. J Royal Soc Med 1994;87:9-12.

10. Frankel S, et al. Antioxidant capacity and correlated characteristics of 14 unifloral honeys. J Apic Res 1998;37:27-31.

11. Burdock GA. Review of the biological properties of propolis and toxicity of bee propolis (propolis). Food Chem Toxicol 1998;36:347-63.

12. Bankova VS, et al. Isopentyl cinnamates from poplar buds and propolis. Phytochemistry 1989;28:871-3.

13. Duke JA, et al. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Data Base ( 1999.

14. Chinthalapally VR, et al. Inhibitory effect of caffeic acid esters on azoxymethane-induced biochemical changes and aberrant crypt foci formation in rat colon. Canc Res 1993;53:4182-8.

15. Mirzoeva OK, Calder PC. The effect of propolis and its components on eicosanoid production during the inflammatory response. Prostagland Leukot Essent Fatty Acid 1996;55:441-9.

16. Greenaway W, et al. The composition and plant origins of propolis: a report of work at Oxford. Bee World 1990;71:107-18.

17. Cheng PC, Wong G. Honey bee propolis: prospects in medicine. Bee World 1996;77:8-14.

18. Krell R. Value-added products from bee keeping. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 124; 1996.

19. Ghisalberti EL. Propolis: a review. Bee World 1979;60:59-84.

20. Amoros M, et al. Comparison of the anti-herpes simplex virus activities of propolis and 3-methyl-but-2-enyl caffeate. J Nat Prod 1994;57:644-7.

21. Krol W, et al. Inhibition of neutrophils chemiluminescence by ethanol extracts of propolis (EEP) and its phenolic components. J Ethnopharm 1996;55:19-25.

22. Bloodworth BC, et al. Liquid chromatographic determination of trans-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid content of commercial products containing royal jelly. J AOAC Int. 1995;78:1019-23.

23. Ziboh VJ. The significance of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cutaneous biology. Lipids 1996;31:S249-53.

24. Lecker G, et al. Components of royal jelly II: the lipid fraction, hyrocarbons and sterols. J Apic Res 1982;21:178-84.

25. Iannuzzi J. Royal jelly: mystery food, in three parts. Am Bee J 1990;8:532-4, 587-9, 659-62.

26. Vittek J. Effect of royal jelly on serum lipids in experimental animals and humans with atherosclerosis. Experientia 1995;51:927-35.

C. Leigh Broadhurst, Ph.D., heads 22nd Century Nutrition, a nutrition/scientific consulting firm, and is a visiting scientist at a government nutrition research laboratory.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Daily Aloe - Top 10 reasons to drink aloe

Daily Aloe - Top 10 reasons to drink aloe

Just 2 to 4 ounces of Aloe to drink a day is all you should need.

Top 10 reasons to drink Aloe Vera Gel

by Dr Peter Atherton MB ChB, DObst RCOG, FRCGB & Advisory Board Member

Imagine slicing open an Aloe leaf and consuming the Gel directly from the plant. Forever's signature product, Aloe Vera Gel, is as close to the real thing as you can get. The first of its kind to receive certification by the International Aloe Science Council, this rich blend of pulp and liquid gives us a product as near to nature as possible. The proof is in the Aloe - after reading my top 10 reasons why I think you should drink Aloe Vera Gel, you will definitely see why Aloe Vera has earned the nickname 'the medicine plant'.

10. Effect on the gut
Aloe Vera has a wonderfully beneficial action on bowel function which results in smooth and efficient transit of contents, often eradicating inconvenient, colicky pain. This action, of course, is of great benefit to sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a problem that affects about one in five people in the Western world at some stage during their life.

9. Assists in healthy digestion
A healthy digestive tract ensures that nutrients from the food we eat are absorbed into the bloodstream. There is clear, clinical evidence that by drinking Aloe Vera Gel the bowel is able to absorb these nutrients more efficiently, especially protein. I also suspect that many other substances are much better absorbed under its influence.

8. Effect on gut flora
Aloe Vera is a natural 'balancer' in many areas and nowhere more so that inside the gut, where it tends to regulate the various bacteria and yeasts that inhabit it. For example, if a person were to suffer with too much yeast in the gut, such as candida, regular ingestion of the Gel would tend to reduce this overgrowth. The same can be said of the more unfriendly bacteria that can accumulate in certain conditions.

7. Effect on the skin
When they are first produced deep in the epidermis skin cells are rather large and very much alive, but by the time they reach the surface after 21-28 days (in normal skin) they are a shadow of their former selves and are transformed into just thin flakes of keratin which eventually fall off. Aloe Vera Gel provides the essential nutrition to feed the basal cells and therefore the skin remains healthy and is able to perform its vital functions more efficiently - as well as looking much better!

6. Increases the activity of fibroblasts
Fibroblasts are specialised cells found in the skin and their job is to produce fibre such as collagen and elastin. These fibres give the skin its structure and, of course, make it look plump and elastic. This is fine from a cosmetic point of view but they are also extremely important in wound healing, as these fibres create a mesh or network over which the new skin cells advance to close the wound. The effect of Aloe Vera is to stimulate them to reproduce faster and therefore, being more of them, they make more fibre. The time taken for wound heal under the influence of Aloe Vera can be reduced by up to a third.

5. Antiviral activity
Within the mucilage layer of the leaf which surrounds the inner Gel there is a long chain sugar or polysaccharide. This has the capability of being able to help defend us against attacks by various viruses, from the common cold to the extremely nasty virus that can cause AIDS. This sugar has actually been extracted from Aloe Vera and made into a drug which, when give alongside regular antiviral agents in the treatment of AIDS, appears to have a synergistic effect, making the treatment more efficient.

4. Anti-inflammatory and pain killing effect
Among the substances that have been identified in Aloe Vera are several that are naturally anti-inflammatory and painkilling. People who take it regularly often find that inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or ulcerative colitis, are greatly benefited. Although we do not have the hard, clinical evidence, I believe that other inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease and diverticulitis are also helped in many cases.

3. A useful source of minerals
Some of the minerals found in Aloe Vera include calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc. This is because the plant tends to grow in areas where soils are rich in these minerals and its roots are able to absorb them and deliver them to us in a very available form.

2. A useful source of vitamins
Aloe Vera Gel contains a large number of vitamins - even trace elements of vitamin B12 which is rarely found in plants. Apart from vitamin A, it contains B-group vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid. Many of these vitamins cannot be stored by the body so we need to constantly top them up from the food that we eat. What better way than by drinking a daily amount of Aloe Vera Gel while at the same time building up the body's defence system against oxidative stress naturally?

1. A general tonic for good health
By drinking the Gel with all its important ingredients (often now deficient in our food) including 19 of the 20 amino acids needed by the human body, and seven of the eight essential ones that just cannot be made, the body is able to get enough to allow complex enzyme systems to work really well. This means the body can function at 100%. The net result to the individual is a wonderful feeling of wellbeing which tends to go with an improved ability to withstand and even fight illness.

As you can see from these 10 great reasons, taken daily - either alone or mixed with fruit juice or our other wonderful antioxidant product Pomesteen Power - Aloe Vera Gel is one of the best nutritional supplements available!

Take care and be (bee) Well !


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Daily Aloe update
Aloe Vera
The Medicine Plant for the 21st Century

by Karen Masterson Koch, C.N.

Aloe vera is nothing new. You may have discovered it back in the sixties or seventies, when it began to gain household recognition in the U.S. as a salve for burns. But it's been around much longer than that. Egyptian Queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti both gave tribute to aloe vera as one of their most important beauty secrets. Alexander the Great carried the aloe vera plant into battle to treat wounded soldiers. In fact, this high-sulfur member of the garlic family dates back 6,000 years, and has been in use for all that time.

When you peruse the literature, it's easy to see why Aloe Vera has earned a reputation as a medicine plant. A dermabrasion study done ten years ago showed that facial wounds healed seventy-two hours faster when aloe vera was added to the polyethylene oxide gel wound dressing (Journal of Dermatological Surgery and Oncology, 1990, vol. 16). More recently, vascular surgeon Dr. Tyler, M.D. of Louisiana recorded the near-miraculous second chance that aloe vera afforded a diabetic in danger of losing her arm (Bossier Medical Center, 1997). Aloe Vera also is great for avoiding scarring after reconstruction and facial surgery. In fact, studies have confirmed that aloe vera serves each of the following functions:

• speeds healing, tensile strength and repair of damaged skin

• holds moisture and adds flexibility to retard aging

• with its antibacterial properties fights infections including fungus and staph

• tightens and balances skin through astringent pH properties

• moisturizes by carrying added emollients into the skin up to seven layers

• with natural anti-inflammatory agents reduces pain

• minimizes scarring and may reverse scars less than five years old

How does Aloe Vera heal the skin?

Aloe vera is 99 percent water, and yet, it contains a storehouse of nutrients — more than 200 active elements that support health. In its most direct effects, aloe vera increases fibroblast production in skin tissue. The fibroblasts stimulate new collagen, thus accelerating wound healing. Collagen can be likened to cement that glues all of the body cells together like a large cellular puzzle.

Aloe Vera at Home

A recent clinical study has confirmed aloe's effectiveness as a home remedy for skin care. A double blind, placebo-controlled study of psoriasis patients showed that topically applied aloe cream treated psoriasis with no bad side effects. In this study, aloe cured twenty-five of thirty subjects compared to the placebo cure rate of two out of thirty (Tropical Medicine and International Health, 1996, vol.1). A peer-reviewed eighteen-month study conducted on 250 wounds, including many diabetic lesions, revealed 100 percent resolution of every wound, stages I-IV, with application of a quality aloe vera skin gel (C. Levescy, LVN, Aloe Life International, 1997).

Drink your (Aloe) Juice

Yes, you can drink Aloe! In fact, researchers recommend it. Aloe vera, along with protein; calcium; magnesium; zinc; vitamins A, C, and E; vitamin B-complex; and essential fatty acids, is a valuable component of a diet that's healthful for skin.

Healthy skin also depends on good digestion. A healthy digestive tract and liver are needed to properly convert vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins into absorbable nutrients essential for healthy skin. Researchers have found that eating on the run and having reduced digestive juices in the body can create an internal environment in which as little as 10 percent of nutrients eaten may actually be absorbed into the blood stream. Aloe vera juice is an herbal bitter. This means that when no sulfites or water are added the juice contains a pH range of 4.7-5.2 and aids digestion. The best time to drink the juice is before meals.

Today, you can buy aloe juice at most health food stores and progressive grocers. (Bottled Aloe juices and skin gels that are golden in color have more medicinal value than products that look like water.) But you can drink the aloe from your plant, if you have one. People in ancient cultures commonly cut a leaf from the outer plant close to the base. If the plant received adequate sun and water, and was grown in rich soil, then a sufficient amount of yellow sap from the plant would seep out of the cut leaf. After allowing the sap to drain into a cup of water, they would drink it. Eating the plant's inner mucilage also was common.

Traditional Uses for Aloe Vera

Note: Consult a physician when medical attention is required.

insect bites
skin cancer
chicken pox
skin ulcers
stretch marks
varicose veins
sore feet
sore muscles
scalp rejuvenation
hair rejuvenation
gum disease
poison ivy
poison oak
diaper rash
brown skin spots
after shave
aged skin
weathered skin
vaginal dryness
athletic injury
general body pains

How Does It Work?

Over 200 worldwide scientific research papers have been published on the effects of aloe vera. The three main categories of research include anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial, and anti-viral actions of aloe vera. The juice is said to soothe digestive tract irritations such as colitis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. Aloe's ability to encourage the release of pepsin (a gastric juice enzyme necessary for digestion) when the stomach is full is a possible reason for its ulcer-healing effects (Journal of the American Osteopathic Society, 1963, vol.62) In one study, oral use of aloe for six months helped mitigate asthma symptoms in almost half of the participants. Eleven of twenty-seven patients studied who drank aloe reported feeling better at the end of the study. Researchers think that results might be due to stimulation of the immune system, as well as naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents in aloe vera.

In 1997, University of San Antonio researcher Jeremiah Herlihy, Ph.D., conducted a study to observe any negative effects of drinking aloe daily. Rather than exhibiting negative effects, however, test animals receiving daily aloe showed a remarkable reduction in leukemia, heart disease, and kidney disease. Dr. Herlihy concluded, "We found no indication of harm done to the rats even at high levels." In fact, the aloe-drinking animals actually lived 25 percent longer than those in the control group (IASC Conference, Texas, 1997).

No Magic Bullet

There is no single ingredient that makes aloe vera potent and healthful. Researcher Robert Davis, Ph.D., an endocrinologist-biologist, explains that fifteen different compound groups of nutrients work together to make the plant effective. Much as a symphony creates a fuller, richer sound than any single instrument, the ingredients in aloe are more effective together than any single element taken by itself.

On the down side, that means that aloe vera's effects cannot be synthesized easily in a laboratory. On the upside, it makes the plant useful across a wide spectrum of circumstances. And because the various elements that make aloe effective are nutrients rather than drugs, aloe juice can complement medical treatments. In fact some cancer patients state that aloe vera seems to reduce nausea, increase energy, and may help to minimize low blood counts caused by chemotherapy or radiation.

Allergies to aloe vera are very rare. Yet any food can be a potential allergen. Test a small amount on the inner arm to see if any reaction takes place. If no irritation on the skin is observed then it is generally tolerated. If ingestion causes diarrhea, then reduce the amount you ingest, increasing use slowly over several days until the desired amount is tolerated.

Take it! It's a gift...

Aloe Vera can help adults, children, and even pets receive more value from daily foods and supplements, and it can heal wounded skin, as well. It's valuable enough for everyone to keep on hand. To gain the most therapeutic support it's wise to use a quality aloe vera product. Look for products that use the entire plant or whole leaf concentration; they contain up to five times more active elements than inner gel products. If possible look for products that state "no sulfites or water added." The strongest, purest product will allow you to use less and have more success in experiencing firsthand the magic of the ancient medicine plant.

Forever Living Products - My Story

July 2006 I was on my way to the Emergency Room (ER) after vomiting for 24 plus hours. It was the best 100 dollar co-pay I ever spent. They helped stabilize me and get fluids back into me.

Stress, poor digestion and stomach irritation had reared its ugly head my life.My doctor told me I would be on prilosec or other acid blockers like nexium, zantac or omeprazole for the rest of my life and I should be thankful the medicine was there for me.

Fundamentally I felt wrong about taking a pill that blocked something my body was doing. I met with a naturopathic doctor and a degreed nutritionist and they told me that acid blockers have links to hip fractures and stomach cancer.

I decided it was time to change after following my original MD’s advice for a year. Acid blockers aren’t something you can just quit cold turkey. It took over a month to reduce the dosage while watching what I ate and healing my stomach with Aloe and good bacteria (probiotic and enzymes).

My digestion is now stable. However reducing stress is also a key. Watching how involved I get in situations that I can’t control, like politics. Republican, Democrat, what ever you are just make sure and vote and let your mind rest. Stress and worry aren’t your friends. Find your happy place and nurture yourself. Try not to focus on things you can’t control. These words are as much for me as they are for you.

In the past years I have researched, read books, listened to every audio book I could get my hands on from Deepak Chopra to Andrew Weil. After all this gathering of knowledge the products I recommend are all from one company, Forever Living Products.

The products help with weight management, overall health, skin care, Gerd, acid indigestion, heartburn, Colitis, acne, eczema and psorasis.Aloe – research this miracle plant and you will find nothing but good.

However drinking Aloe was new to me. This is truly a gift and healthy cultures have been doing it since the times of the bible. Naturally soothing, anti inflammatory, healing and balancing.Probiotics- get the good bacteria back to help you digest and absorb the nutrients.Vitamins, Supplements and immune boosters to keep you well an energetic.

So now I am a believer and a distributor for this product. To see my web site go to
